A naturally harmonious beauty

Aesthetic medicine Geneva

Today’s anti-aging medical cosmetic treatments enables everyone to better maintain their appearance, maintaining their beauty whilst keeping a young, glowing and toned skin, year after year. Enjoy the proven techniques of aesthetic medicine for a subtle and natural rejuvenation, thanks to anti-aging treatments: hyaluronic acid, medical peelings, PRP, lasers, IPL, mesotherapy and micro-needling. Based on the expertise and years of experience of Dr. ELBAZ, Botealis addresses specific individual requirements, providing specialized solutions.

Located in Geneva !

Botealis offers a wide range of treatments that cover the essentials of aesthetic medicine.
Safety in aesthetic medical treatments At Botealis, security is our first priority and an essential aspect of any successful medical treatment. Furthermore, the products used at Botealis - hyaluronic acid, botulinum toxin, and medical peelings - are developed by world leaders and are all absorbable.

Our range of treatments cover all essential aesthetic medical techniques:

Hyaluronic acid

This anti-aging treatment of choice consists of injecting hyaluronic acid in the wrinkle or deep within the skin, producing a natural volume. By doing so, the skin is "lifted" and smoothed. The results are visible immediately. The treatment is fast and safe, whilst leaving no scars or other traces on the face.

Face injections®

Face injections is a popular method for attaining a definite rejuvenating effect. The results are visible after a week, lasting approximately 4 months.

Medical peeling

The medical peeling produces a boost of radiance to the skin. In addition it improves the texture of the skin, reducing surface imperfections such as wrinkles or acne marks whilst stimulating the skin’s renewal and tones.

Lasers and cosmetic light pulses

Discover the benefits of lasers and cosmetic light pulses to properly treat and address: rosacea, pigmentation problems, small vessels, permanent hair removal and skin rejuvenation.


This is the ideal method to improve and sustain the hydration of the skin, producing a new radiant effect to the face. These micro-injections of hyaluronic acid are made in the superficial dermis, which may or may not be combined with vitamins or trace elements. This treatment can be performed on multiple parts of the body: face, neck, and the back of the hands.

Platelet-rich plasma therapy

PRP (platelet rich plasma) is used literally to profoundly nurture your skin through the use of growth factors and platelets which are main components of the blood. PRP improves and enriches the texture, density and brightness of the skin. Futhermore, PRP significantly reduced fine lines and wrinkles, diminishing acne marks and other types of scars. Combined with other cosmetic treatments, such as hyaluronic acid, mesotherapy or microneedling, PRP optimizes aesthetic results.

Les Fils crantés résorbables

Les fils résorbables offrent aujourd’hui la possibilité de traiter les relâchements cutanés modérés concernant l’ovale du visage, les bajoues, les plis d’amertumes ou encore les sillons naso-géniens. Le résultat est rapide, la procédure quasi indolore, sans temps d’arrêt et en toute discrétion. Ces fils crantés résorbables vont de plus stimuler la synthèse de collagène et ainsi tonifier la peau.


pour Light Emitting Diodes ou encore LLLT – Low Level Laser Therapy – vont de façon totalement indolore et sans risques réaliser une photobiomodulation (PDT) des cellules de la peau. Selon la couleur utilisée – bleue, jaune, rouge – le traitement par LED améliorera l’acné inflammatoire, les rougeurs et inflammations de la peau, les cicatrices et vergetures, tout en stimulant le renouvellement cellulaire et la tonicité de la peau.

La Cryolipolyse

Ce traitement éprouvé va permettre d’affiner la silhouette en traitant spécifiquement certaines zones du corps: ventre, poignées d’amour, bas du dos… La cryolipolyse, par l’application d’un froid controlé, va entrainer une disparition progressive et durable des adipocytes (cellules adipeuses) de la couche graisseuse superficielle traitée. LA solution pour les petites surcharges graisseuses localisées !

La Lipolyse Laser

Une autre application des LED ou LLLT. Totalement indolore, la lipolyse Laser va modifier l’enveloppe des adipocytes, qui vont alors ‘se vider’ de leur contenu (acides gras). Le deuxième effet de notre lipolyse Laser étant de stimuler le drainage lymphatique plus en profondeur. On diminue à la fois le volume de la couche graisseuse superficielle et on améliore dans le même temps la cellulite (peau d’orange) !

Laser Genesis™

This is a skin rejuvenation treatment, with improvement in skin tone, texture (pores and fine lines), reduction in redness and radiance. !

More informations

Each person’s requirements has solutions tailored to their individual needs for a natural and harmonious beauty.

Situé à Genève accessible to everyone!


En savoir plus


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